Organization is an instrument that defines relations
among different people which helps them to understand as in who happens to be
their superior and who is their subordinate. This information helps in fixing
responsibility and developing coordination. In such circumstances the objectives
of the organization can be easily achieved. That is why, it is said that
Organization Isa mechanism of management. In addition to that it helps in the
other functions of management like planning, staffing, leading, controlling,
etc. The importance of organization or its merits becomes clear from the
following facts,
(1) Increase In
Managerial Efficiency:
A good and balanced organization helps the managers to
increase their efficiency. Managers, through the medium of organization, make a
proper distribution of the whole work among different people according to
their ability.
(2) Proper Utilization
of Resources:
Through the medium of organization optimum utilization of
all the available human and material resources of an enterprise becomes
possible. Work is allotted to every individual according to his ability and
capacity and conditions ant created to enable him to utilize his ability to the
maximum extent. For example, if employee possesses the knowledge of modem
machinery but the modem machinery is not available in the organization, in that
case, efforts are made to make available the modem machinery.
(3) Sound Communication
Communication is essential for taking the right decision
at the right time. However, the establishment of a good communication system is
possible only through an organization. In an organization the time of
communication is decided so that all the useful information reaches the
officers concerned which. in turn, helps the decision-making.
(4) Facilitates Coordination:
In order to attain successfully the objectives of the
organization, coordination among various activities in the organization is
essential. Organization is the only medium which makes coordination possible.
Under organization the division of work is made in such a manner as to make all
the activities complementary to each other increasing their inter-dependence.
Inter-dependence gives rise to the establishment of relations which, in turn, increases
(5) Increase in
Under organization the whole work is divided into
different parts. Competent persons are appointed to handle all the sub-works
and by handling particular work repeatedly they become specialists. This
enables them to have maximum work performance in the minimum time while the
organization gets the benefit of specialization.
(6) Helpful in
A good organization helps the enterprise in facing competition.
When an enterprise starts making available good quality product at cheap rates,
it increases the demand for its products. In order to meet the increasing demands
for its products an organization has to expand its business. On the other hand,
a good organization has an element of flexibility which far from impeding the
expansion work encourages it.
Organization is the process of establishing relationship
among the members of the enterprise. The relationships are created in terms of
authority and responsibility. To organize is to harmonize, coordinate or
arrange in a logical and orderly manner. Each member in the organization is
assigned a specific responsibility or duty to perform and is granted the corresponding
authority to perform his duty. The managerial function of organizing consists
in making a rational division of work into groups of activities and tying
together the positions representing grouping of activities so as to achieve a
rational, well coordinated and orderly structure for the accomplishment of
work. According to Louis A .Allen, "Organizing involves identification and
grouping the activities to be performed and dividing them among the individuals
and creating authority and responsibility relationships among them for the accomplishment
of organizational objectives." The various steps involved in this process
a. Delegation of Authority:
Since so many individuals work in the same
organization, it is the responsibility of management to lay down structure
of relationship in the organization. Authority without responsibility is a
dangerous thing and similarly responsibility without authority is an empty vessel.
Everybody should clearly know to whom he is accountable; corresponding to their
possibility authority is delegated to the subordinates for enabling them to
show work performance. This will help in the smooth working of the enterprise
by facilitating delegation of responsibility and authority.
B. Determination of Objectives:
is the first step in building up an organization. Organization is always
related to certain objectives. Therefore,
it is essential for the management to identify the objectives before starting
any activity. Organization structure is built on the basis of the objectives of
the enterprise. That means, the structure of the organization can be determined
by the management only after knowing the objectives to be accomplished
through the organization. This step helps the management not only in framing
the organization structure but also in achieving the enterprise objectives with
minimum cost and efforts. Determination of objectives will consist in deciding
as to why the proposed organization is to be set up and, therefore, what will
be the nature of the work to be accomplished through the organization.
c) Enumeration of
If the members of the group are to pool their efforts
effectively, there must be proper division
of the major activities. The first step in organizing group effort is the
division of the total job into
essential activities. Each job should be properly classified and grouped. This
will enable the people to know what is expected of them as members of the group
and will help in avoiding duplication of efforts. For example, the work of an
industrial concern may be divided into the following major functions –
production, financing, personnel, sales, purchase, etc.
D) Classification of
The next step will be to classify activities according
to similarities and common purposes and functions and taking the human and
material resources into account. Then, closely related and similar activities
are grouped into divisions and departments and the departmental activities are
further divided into sections.
E) Assignment of Duties:
Here, specific job assignments are made to
different subordinates for ensuring a certainty of work performance. Each
individual should be given a specific job to do according to his ability and
made responsible for that. He should also be given the adequate authority to do
the job assigned to him. In the words of Kimball and Kimball -
"Organization embraces the duties of designating the departments and the
personnel that are to carry on the work, defining their functions and
specifying the relations that are to exist between department and individuals."
The process of
organizing consists of the following steps:
(a) Determining and defining the activities required for the
achievement of organizational goals;
(b) Grouping the activities into logical and convenient
(c) Assigning the duties and activities to specific
positions and people;
(d) Delegating authority to these positions and people;
(e) Fixing responsibility for performance; and
(f) Coordinating horizontal and vertical relationships
the organizations.
the organizations.
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